Title: "Balancing Act: Navigating Career, Family, and Personal Growth" (Revision Path)
Summary: Yao discusses his experiences as a UX researcher at Bolt, entrepreneur, and professor. He shares his strategies for balancing work, companies, and family, and his journey of growing up in Togo, becoming a record-holding track and field athlete, and achieving work-life harmony.
2. Title: “Bridging the Gap: Connecting Stakeholders and Users in the UX Process” (Softrams)
3. Title: How to Manage Failure in UX Design (Jazmin Harling-Gray)
Summary: Yao shares his insights on leading a successful UX project, emphasizing a team-oriented approach, involving users in the design process, and recovering from failure through tracking project iterations.
4. Title: Conducting Research on UX Researchers: Improving Workflow and Quality of Life (UXinsight)
5. Title: People who do Research: Navigating the UX Research Landscape: A Personal Journey and the Benefits of Research Bookmark (video is not available yet) (Great Question)
Yao shares his journey into UX research, hacks to stay on top of the latest developments, success stories from researchers who leveraged Research Bookmark, and his excitement for the future of UX research in the next 6-12 months.
6. Title: Navigating the Field of UX Research (UX Lounge)
Yao shared his contributions to the UX community through Research Bookmark, providing valuable insights and advice for those pursuing a career in UX research or looking to improve their research skills.
7. Title: What are you grappling with right now in your current role?
In the video, Yao discussed the challenge he has faced in his practice regarding proactive research. https://joinlearners.com/thought/what-are-you-grappling-with-right-now-in-your-current-role_?id=829
8. Title: "Organizations I Love: Research Bookmark - A UXR Knowledge Hub (Jeff Coleman)
Jeff Coleman shares his experience with Research Bookmark, an innovative library, database, and learning community for UX Research careers. He describes how Yao Adantor founded the one-stop shop for knowledge, and how the team has grown and expanded. Jeff highlights the valuable resources and how it has become a reliable, go-to knowledge hub for the industry.. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jeffreypcoleman_uxresearch-activity-7021495890498461696-IJNf?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
9. Title: Benchmarking Product Improvements (UX Cork)
Highlights the value of benchmarking in product development and offers tips for objectively measuring the impact of research, design, and engineering. Discusses the leadership role of UX researchers in the benchmarking process.
10. Title: The Influence of the MPX UXD Program on Career Development (MICA Open Studies)
In this video, Yao shares his personal journey of how the MPX UXD program impacted his career. https://fb.watch/ix9Q1b5-6X/?mibextid=kdkkhi